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Nature, Scope and Object of CrPC

Nature of CrPC The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) is a procedural law that outlines the process for the investigation and trial of criminal offenses...

Functionaries under the CrPC

The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides for the roles and responsibilities of several functionaries in the criminal justice system. Main functionaries under the...

Constitution of Criminal Courts and Offices

The Constitution of India has provided for a hierarchical system of criminal courts, with the Supreme Court at the top and the lower courts...

Power of Courts

The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides for a range of powers that are vested in the courts in criminal cases. Powers of the...

Section 455: Destruction of libellous and other matter

(1) On a conviction under section 292, section 293, section 501 or section 502 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), the Court...

Section 456: Power to restore possession of immovable property

(1) When a person is convicted of an offence attended by criminal force or show of force or by criminal intimidation, and it appears...

Section 457: Procedure by police upon seizure of property

(1) Whenever the seizure of property by any police officer is reported to a Magistrate under the provisions of this Code, and such property...

Section 458: Procedure when no claimant appears within six months

(1) If no person within such period establishes his claim to such property, and if the person in whose possession such property was found...

Section 459: Power to sell perishable property

If the person entitled to the possession of such property is unknown or absent and the property is subject to speedy and natural decay,...

Section 460: Irregularities which do not vitiate proceedings

If any Magistrate not empowered by law to do any of the following things, namely:— (a) to issue a search-warrant under section 94; (b) to order,...

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