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Nature, Scope and Object of CrPC

Nature of CrPC The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) is a procedural law that outlines the process for the investigation and trial of criminal offenses...

Functionaries under the CrPC

The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides for the roles and responsibilities of several functionaries in the criminal justice system. Main functionaries under the...

Constitution of Criminal Courts and Offices

The Constitution of India has provided for a hierarchical system of criminal courts, with the Supreme Court at the top and the lower courts...

Power of Courts

The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides for a range of powers that are vested in the courts in criminal cases. Powers of the...

Section 13: Special Judicial Magistrates

(1) The High Court may, if requested by the Central or State Government so to do, confer upon any person who holds or has...

Section 14: Local jurisdiction of Judicial Magistrates

(1) Subject to the control of the High Court, the Chief Judicial Magistrate may, from time to time, define the local limits of the...

Section 15: Subordination of Judicial Magistrates

(1) Every Chief Judicial Magistrate shall be subordinate to the Sessions Judge; and every other Judicial Magistrate shall, subject to the general control of...

Section 16: Courts of Metropolitan Magistrates

(1) In every metropolitan area, there shall be established as many Courts of Metropolitan Magistrates, and at such places, as the State Government may,...

Section 17: Chief Metropolitan Magistrate and Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate

(1) The High Court shall, in relation to every metropolitan area within its local jurisdiction, appoint a Metropolitan Magistrate to be the Chief Metropolitan...

Section 18: Special Metropolitan Magistrates

(1) The High Court may, if requested by the Central or State Government so to do, confer upon any person who holds or has...

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